HYTRADBOI is a fun online conference about databases, programming languages, and everything in between. A place for ideas to cross-fertilize between the two disciplines.
The conference is hosted in a chat room and all the talks are recorded and captioned in advance. Join from a different time-zone, watch talks on your lunch break, answer questions in your pajamas, pause the talk to go feed your baby. Conferences work better async.
HYTRADBOI takes place 2025 Feb 28 0900-1500 PDT. The chat will stay open for weeks afterwards for those who can't attend live.
"HYTRADBOI is so addictive. I'm just clicking on every talk one-by-one and can't stop. Lots of interesting material and perfect talk length." -- Nikita Prokopov
"HYTRADBOI was the best remote conference I've attended and should be used as an example for how we should reconsider the medium of conferences" -- Alexander Bandukwala
"The embodiment of "the future is here but not evenly distributed." Each talk felt like a sneak peek at 3-5 years into the future. 10/10 wouldn't miss it for the world." -- Predrag Gruevski
"I still get more traction from the 10 minute video I posted at HYTRADBOI than any talk/paper I've presented at SPLASH. I had more salient questions about Mech than I've ever gotten from SPLASH, VC head hunters setting up meetings, and even Graydon Hoare stopped by for a chat." -- Corey Montella
"I'm really impressed by the quality of talks at HYTRADBOI this year. There's so many smart people looking to the sky, dreaming about the future of programming, and seeing relations in the clouds. Everything can be a database if you squint hard enough." -- Eric Zhang
"Was struck by the density of connections across talks... there are some cool ideas in the air right now and this conf really brought them out." -- Geoffrey Litt
"Highly recommended to all DB-minded tweeps out there... it's amazing for learning about a bunch of new things in a short period of time." -- Gunnar Morling
"I'm really sold on the 10-minute format after HYTRADBOI." -- Marta Paes
0900-1000: Compilers
- Database query compilation: our journey
- A YJIT interview
- Can we democratize JIT compilers?
- Safe and productive performance with user-schedulable languages
1000-1100: Understanding programs
- How debuggers work
- Debugging compiler-optimized code: how it works and doesn't
- Side-Eye: ask your programs anything
- Let’s run a million benchmarks
- Rocket science of simulation testing!
1100-1200: Wild ideas
- Back to modularity
- DB usability: as if
- Twizzler and far out memory sharing: precise abstractions
- Programming without pointers
- Throwing it all away - how extreme rewriting changed the way I build databases
1200-1230: Programmers are people
- A case for feminism in programming language design
- Malloy, mic drop, peace!
1230-1300: Lightning talk buffet
1300-1400: Query languages
- Pipe syntax in SQL; it's time
- ???
- ???
- AquaLang - a streaming dataflow programming language
- A polymorphic data model for SQL using algebraic types
1400-1430: Databases
- Use of time in distributed databases - don't fall behind the times
- ???
- Thank goodness we're not building a database
1430-1500: Wasm
- Thinking in Wit
- Bringing the WebAssembly standard up to speed with SpecTec
Lightning talk buffet
You can submit a pre-recorded lightning talk for the lunchtime break. We will automatically accept any talk that:
- Is vaguely on topic.
- Is not just a sales pitch for a product/project. If your product/project vanished tomorrow, would the talk still be worth watching?
- Is submitted by Feb 16.
- Is at most 3:00 minutes long. Not 3:01 minutes. (If it's close just speed it up.)
- Has an accurate .srt subtitle file (try the descript free tier).
Buying a ticket will redirect you to the conference chat. Make sure to register an account and bookmark the page.
Pay what you want! If $64 feels like a lot then you can click the 'change amount' button under the price.
Why no sponsors? Most industry conferences are dominated by adverts from vendors. We wanted to do something a little different. But it's hard to say no to people who already gave you money.
What about accessibility? All the talks are captioned and the event is based around a text chat.
Will recordings be available afterwards? All the talks will be prerecorded and will be published here afterwards. The discussion and chat rooms will not be recorded.
Can we behave like idiots? We expect everyone to conduct themselves like the professionals you are. Also: be curious and constructive rather than cynical and dismissive, stay on topic and avoid digressions that are likely to start fights.
Who is running this thing? HYTRADBOI is organized by Jamie Brandon.
If you have any other questions get in touch at info@hytradboi.com.